Eurasian Pharma Awards 2023: Olainfarm and Meros Pharm are the winners in the nomination “Partnership of the Year”
In 2023 in the competition for the Eurasian Pharma Awards in the nomination “Partnership of the Year” the award was presented to Olainfarm and Meros Pharm.
The transformation of collaboration between Olainfarm, a leading pharmaceutical company in the Baltics, and Meros Pharm, a leader in pharmaceutical distribution in Uzbekistan, along with increased investments in product promotion and improvements in both international and local logistics, has yielded tangible results that allow to develop ambitious plans for the future. The exclusive agreement has ensured the availability of Olainfarm products in over 4,000 pharmacies and has led to a 65% increase in sales compared to the previous year.
Elena Bushberg, Executive Director of Olainfarm, highlighted: «As a proverb says a tree is held by its roots, and a person is held by their family and heritage. I would add that success in business is held by good partners».